Distance Learning Program: Dolphin Anatomy & Physiology
Length of Time:
30-45 Min
National Standards met:
- Content Standard C – Organisms & Their Environment
- Content Standard C – Structure & Function in Living Systems Populations & Ecosystems
- Content Standard C – Diversity & Adaptations of Organisms
- Content Standard F - Populations, Resources, & Environments
FL. Next Generation Standards met:
- (Interdependence) SC.912.L.15.6, SC.912.L.17.2, SC.912.L.17.3, SC.912.L.17.9
- (Communication) LA.910.5.2.1, LA.910.5.2.3, SS.912.A.1.3, SC.4.L.16.2, SC.2.L.14
(Other state standards upon request)
Ocean Literacy Principles met:
- OLP 1.a, d, f, g, h
- OLP 4.b
- OLP 5.a, b, c, d, e, f
- OLP 6.a, c, d, e, g
- OLP 7.a, b, c, f
An experienced marine mammal trainer/educator will lead students through a fun and informative demonstration and discussion of the following with the help of some of DRC’s amazing dolphins
- Discover a dolphin’s unique personality and see what we can learn from them
- Explore the concepts of dolphin anatomy, and ecology
- Discuss what makes dolphins mammals
- Basic anatomy: from flippers to flukes
- Sensory systems and how they compare to ours
- Physiological adaptations unique to an aquatic mammal
- Lifespan
Marine Mammal Conservation
- Natural & human caused threats in the wild
- Conservation efforts you can do at home to help dolphins and your environment
- Participate in a question and answer session at the end to get at those “always wanted to know” questions