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Meet Atocha
Dolphin Research Center
Common Name: Bottlenose Dolphin
Scientific Name: Tursiops Truncatus
Parents: Pandora / Pacino (Sea World)
Birth Date: February 21, 2015
Defining Trait: Curved, sickle-shaped dorsal fin (just like her mom, Pandora!)/long face and rostrum
My Story: Atocha is the daughter of Pandora (her second), and Pacino, a male dolphin from SeaWorld. She was named after the Nuestra Señora de Atocha, a famous Spanish ship that sank off the Florida Keys in 1622 while carrying a great deal of treasure.
It was clear from the moment she was born that Atocha had fully inherited her mother’s curiosity and sense of independence. A few hours after birth, she was already using her strong swimming skills to sneak away from Pandora and go on adventures around her lagoon! She enjoys showing off by stationing, blowing raspberries, and diving by herself, as well as offering backrubs to guests who are absolutely delighted to make her acquaintance. If you pass by her lagoon, make sure to wait a few seconds and take a close look. Atocha will surely be ready to wave at you and add a few more members to her ever-expanding circle of admirers.
It was clear from the moment she was born that Atocha had fully inherited her mother’s curiosity and sense of independence. A few hours after birth, she was already using her strong swimming skills to sneak away from Pandora and go on adventures around her lagoon! She enjoys showing off by stationing, blowing raspberries, and diving by herself, as well as offering backrubs to guests who are absolutely delighted to make her acquaintance. If you pass by her lagoon, make sure to wait a few seconds and take a close look. Atocha will surely be ready to wave at you and add a few more members to her ever-expanding circle of admirers.
Nicknames: Tosha, Toshi