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Common Name: Sulfur Crested Cockatoo
Scientific Name: Cacatua galerita
Birth Date: Estimated Birth 1979
Defining Trait: All white body and head/yellow head crest displayed when excited/ good talker/playful/intelligent/loud at times
My Story: Buck was born in 1979 and had one owner until he was donated to DRC in 1994. Since then he has stolen the hearts of many a staff member with his crazy antics and sense of humor. Buck is extremely sociable with people and is quite a talker. He loves an audience and will show off when asked, “Where’s the pretty bird?” He has also been known to break into a song and dance routine when someone whistles to him. Try talking to him while bobbing up and down and spreading your arms out to the side. Watch what happens! Don’t forget to say “bye-bye” when you leave – perhaps you will hear the same!
Nicknames: Houdini