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Common Name: African spurred tortoise.
Scientific Name: Geochelone sulcata
Defining Trait: Larger of the two at DRC. This species is the largest mainland tortoise. They can easily reach 30 inches in length and can weigh more than 100 pounds. Some males even reach upwards of 200 pounds.
Lifespan: 80 to 100 years. Age of maturity: About 15 years old. Ziggy's current age is unknown.
My Story: Ziggy and Speedy were living at a nearby resort. When new owners took over the establishment, they didn't feel that they could adequately care for the tortoises and asked DRC to adopt them. We built them a special habitat and brought them to their new forever home on February 7, 2022. The tortoises are herbivores who eat lettuce and some other vegetation. They are curious, intelligent reptiles with lively personalities and we look forward to learning more about them - and from them every day.