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Meet Luna
Dolphin Research Center
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Luna talk
Dolphin Research Center
Common Name: Bottlenose Dolphin
Scientific Name: Tursiops Truncatus
Parents: Pandora / A.J.
Birth Date: January 29th, 2010
Defining Trait: Small ripples in trailing edge of dorsal/triangular dorsal fin
My Story: Luna was born under not only just a full moon, but the second full moon that month, making it a blue moon, and inspiring her name. Interestingly enough, she also has a moon shaped birthmark above her right flipper! She definitely gets her curiosity from her mother Pandora, and is fearless with new objects. She enjoys athletic behaviors such as her “banana jump”, and also the mental challenge of various research games. Any excuse to be the center of attention is what Luna aims for. She will go out of her way to get the spotlight to shine on her, either grabbing her trainers’ attention or that of guests as they walk by her lagoon.
Nicknames: Looney Tunes, Tuna