Our Animal Family
DRC's Aviary
Photo Gallery
Video Gallery
Common Name: various
My Story: The birds at DRC come from diverse backgrounds. We adopted them because their owners could no longer provide their care. Very careful consideration should be given to bringing a bird into your home. They require a tremendous amount of time and attention, and some can live 60 years! Large birds, like cockatoos and macaws are particularly challenging companions. Loud vocals, high-strung personalities and a tendency for destructive mischief can make having some birds in your home difficult. As with any of our animals, when birds join the DRC family, we give a great deal of thought to their living arrangements. Some birds prefer living in pairs or groups. Others, like Buck for example, prefer their own section of aviary.
Donations to help support our birds can be made through our Gift Shop.
Donations to help support our birds can be made through our Gift Shop.